Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Two days left to join the carnival!

Two more days for you to submit your entry to the 2nd edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture! The 1st edition, entitled Everyone Loves a Good Irish Story, gave us an upside-down traffic light (with the green on the top of course), an Irish love story, paddy-whacking, Civil War regiments that flew the Irish flag for America, and more.

Now - in time for the new year - we're looking for fresh ideas. The 2nd edition of the carnival will feature Irish research & resources.

Here's the specific topic:

As genealogists and historians, we're always trying to get the facts. What was the world like during a certain time and place in history? Who was there - what were their names and where did they live? What role did they play in the world around them?

Please share with us your recommendations for books and resources on Irish genealogy and history. What is your favorite (or most frustrating) database of Irish records? Can you recommend a favorite book or resource for Irish research? How about sharing your favorite Irish history books? Any online resources that have helped you in your search for Irish ancestors or your attempt to gain an understanding of Irish history in general?

Don't have Irish heritage? Join us anyway. The only requirement is that you have a wee bit of appreciation for the Irish and their culture, heritage and history - and a good story to tell.

So in these quiet days after the busy preparations for Christmas, take some time to write and submit your carnival entry. I'm looking forward to receiving your recommendations via carnival entry by December 28 and publishing them on January 1, 2008 at Small-leaved Shamrock just in time for a fresh start on our projects for the new year!

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